Renting in Newcastle - Suburbs Flying Under The Radar
In the rental world, punters typically have two inextricable goals: the perfect place, in the perfect area. And while Newcastle is full of great real estate which can satisfy almost any real es-taste, the location and subsequent rent can restrict even the most modest domain dreams. Luckily, there are many central and charming suburbs flying mostly under the radar, offering both a great place and a choice location without forcing you to live on cans of beans to afford your rent!

Located just near the culture epicentre of Beaumont St and a short 5 minute drive from the CBD is Islington. Islington feels like New York’s meat-packing district – it’s not officially ‘cool’ yet, but developers are combing the area and revamping properties into absolute architectural delights. Worth mentioning is the Wool Store, which is now stunningly refurbished and offers warehouse living any chic bohemian would delight in. There’s also a range of quirky terraces with quaint statures which are fitting for the new-age couple or earthy best friends with clear vision and a large stock of green tea.

Just across the bridge and a 7 minute drive from the CBD is the spacious and suburban Carrington. Don’t be deterred by the industrial side to the suburb, Carrington is slowly blossoming into a trendy little suburb immune from the hustle and bustle of the ultra-central Newcastle. With beautiful views of the marina and wharf available and the stylish Carrington Place bar and restaurant close by, Carrington is the perfect suburb for a blossoming little family or a share-house with friends.

The Junction
The Junction is pushing it a little on the price front, but there are still plenty of suburban-style houses and apartments for those who simply must live beach-side. The Junction’s central aspect offers everything the average person would need at a walking distance: fashion, homewares, a candystore, fast food of every type, pharmaceuticals, newsagencies, fine dining and all sorts of solicitors and accountants. Appropriate for a professional couple or surfy youngsters who enjoy older-style accommodation.

Wickham is a mostly forgotten suburb due to the amount of businesses and warehouses that occupy the area. However there are plenty of suburban streets as well as a multitude of marina-side apartments offering a peaceful view of the harbour and a walking distance from the CBD. Wickham is located between Newcastle and Hamilton, and offers some real estate gems perfect for students or mature couples looking for a serenity that isn’t totally separated from amenities.

Newcastle East
There are a mulititude of second-level apartments scattered throughout The Mall in Newcastle East that cheat the traditional CBD pricetag. Offering apartments built in an entirely different era, each place charms with a style of yesteryear often rich with bohemian refurbishments. Central to absolutely everything, including pubs and clubs, the beach and the mall, Newcastle East is great for trendy young things who see the value in accommodation that offers old-world character in a second-floor stance.
I live in a quiet street just off Beaumont and about 30 seconds from Suspension and Hamilton train station. I share with one other guy and pay $140 a week. Best spot in Newcastle!