New Newcastle Music! Blues Queen Zoe K Releases Debut Album
If you haven’t seen her performing around Newcastle and the Hunter over the past few years, then I’d suggest you start paying attention! Most punters comment on Zoe K’s stage presence, her wardrobe of vintage frocks and musicianship. Raised on a diet of jazz, blues and soul, she can sing like a woman scorned or as sweet as a fresh cob of corn with a vocal delivery that can turn big burly daddies into sissy girly girls. I’ve seen her bring her charm & charisma to stages everywhere, from the local pub to food & wine festivals and everything in between. After many years of gigging and lots of hard work, one of Newcastle’s greatest blues & jazz musicians, the award winning Zoe K, is releasing an album!
I caught up with Zoe ahead of her performance at The Gum Ball Festival this weekend, where her freshly pressed album will first be available for sale…
Congratulations on the upcoming release of your new album! How does it feel to have it done & dusted?
Cheers, yeah all of the punters have been on my back for years to get my album out. It feels good now but the whole process can take a lot of time & money…it took more time to get it out because of the mighty dollar but now I can sit back, relax and let the good times roll…
What does it take to pull a project like this together?
Confidence, great musicianship and an awesome engineer. The album was recorded locally at Sound Ideas with Robbie Long who made the recording process so easy and fun. I am very lucky to be surrounded by incredible players and that in itself makes the recording process a lot easier.
You’re performing at The Gum Ball Festival this weekend. Have you played at this festival before? What do you like most about it?
Yeah, we played it last year with the 10 piece funk and soul band that I have also put together. This year I am doing it with my original band so we can play some more original tunes. The festival is one of the best local ones for many reasons. Firstly it showcases great live original bands from around Australia and locally. Secondly its BYO (not that I’m one to encourage excessive drinking) so there’s no lining up for ages to pay $10 for a mid strength beer. You also can camp there as well and punters can expect to see some performers from the festival walking around the site and checking out all the local market stalls and eating the delish food. Wow I really do sound like quite the promoter! Ha but its got a great vibe, awesome music line up this year including C.W Stoneking and it supports the Black Dog Institute so people can feel good that their money purchasing the tickets is contributing to a good cause. My album will also be available at Gum Ball for the first time so people have the opportunity to purchase it there before my launch.
What are your plans for the rest of 2011 & beyond?
Making more music and trying to make a sustainable living from it. I’m also looking forward to taking the new album on the road and touring around mid-August, which will be exciting.
Who would you say are your major influences?
I have so many from different genres. Etta James would be an obvious one, as one Easter Long weekend I got her tattooed on me! Long story that one… to name them all would be so hard but I fell in love with Patsy Cline, I fooled around with Brenda Lee, I had a quick stint with Elvis but always knew that my heart belonged to Bessie Smith, Etta, Peggy Lee and Sarah Vaughan.
What do you like most about Newcastle’s music scene?
Well at times you can think that this town is too small but I think it’s really what you make it. Lately I’ve had a bit more of a social life and have been able to venture out and check out what’s happening. There is live music from Tuesday to Sunday in this town and there are some really great bands around. Anything from underground jazz to indie, heavy metal, ragtime, blues and rock. I think the key is keeping an open mind. Or finding less annoying friends.
What would you change?
I’d get rid of pokies. I’ve seen some venues go down the gurgler at the hands of money hungry publicans and I think that in some cases venues need to better recognise musicians and the work that they all put into playing gigs. We are lucky to have a great local community that supports live music, but if some pubs had more green rooms with room temperature water and blue m&ms that would be better…
What are your favourite venues to perform at?
The Junkyard (Grand Junction Maitland) and Lizottes.
Who is another local musician that we should check out?
Deni Hourihan is a young female guitarist who we’ll be expecting good things to come from and also Brian Dillon. I don’t get out as much as I’d like to so I don’t get to see all the great bands I’ve heard about.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an independent musician?
Firstly, the financial challenge. Every cent I earn goes into music and I am independent right to the core of the band. We don’t have a band bank account or a manager. Any posters you see I pay for, I put up, I deal with bookings, promote gigs, deal with egos, rehearsals, phone calls, tours…everything. It kind of just happened that way. The musos that I play with have day jobs and have been on the scene for a long time. I have learnt a lot from playing with them, and I’m grateful for that alone. This year I am getting another set of hands to help me with everything so I can focus more on music.
What is your favourite track on the new album?
Wow that’s a hard one. I like each for different reasons. Would you ask a mother who her favourite child was? Haha. The first track ‘Woman Enough’ was written by my good friend Brian Dillon after he saw me upset over a break up. The lyrics described the situation I was in and I was flattered that a good friend saw how upset I was and helped me deal with the situation through writing me a kick arse song! So I said goodbye to my teddy bear pj’s, threw the chocolates in the bin and returned the soppy romantic comedies back to the video shop and made a awesome song. Music is very therapeutic.
Where will your album be available for sale?
Well those who are going to The Gumball this weekend will get the first opportunity to purchase the CD. I told myself that I wouldn’t do too many gigs before the launch at The Great Northern in June but a girl has gotta earn some bread, so if you see me at one of my shows I will no doubt have it for you to purchase. Some upcoming gigs include May 14th at Lizottes as part of the Ladies of Night collaboration, May 21st at Ramjet’s 10th Birthday Celebration at King Street Hotel and May 29th at Darby Street Coffee & Chocolate Fair.
To keep up to date about Zoe’s new album, tour and local gigs, like her on Facebook.
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