Upcoming Events Newcastle Creatives Should Attend
There are a couple of great opportunities coming up for Newcastle’s creative community, whether you’re looking to learn, network or show off your stuff!
Newcastle & Beyond: Taking Your Creative Enterprise to the World
Presented by Renew Newcastle, this is a series of three events designed to educate & inspire you to take your creative business to the next level. The first of these professional development forums, called ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’, is tomorrow, Wednesday, 25 May and will be led by the fashion designers behind High Tea With Mrs Woo. If you’re interested in building a boutique enterprise in Newcastle, don’t miss this! The discussion will include using Newcastle as a home base, the pros & cons of being based in a regional area, building and maintaining business relationships & connections, growing a sustainable business and who to ask for help. As well as a presentation and discussion, there will also be ample networking opportunity.
The remaining two events will take place on 22 June & 20 July, covering online business and taking your business to the world, respectively. Speakers will include Zac Zavos of Conversant Media & Renew Newcastle founder Marcus Westbury.
The best news for local creatives is that these events are all FREE! All that’s required is that you RSVP. All three forums will take place between 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Renew Newcastle HQ (3 Morgan St, Newcastle - just off Hunter St Mall near One Penny Black).
The Roost Creative’s Special Uni Holiday Deal
The Roost Creative aims to provide a platform for creative types who want to share space, ideas & equipment. The services on offer include ADSL2+ wireless internet, meeting space, desk space, design library, printing facilities, large format printing (Canon iPF6300) supplied by Anitech Newcastle, scanners, networking opportunities, freelance opportunities & exhibiting space.
Usually, you can sign up for $40/month, or $20/month for students, but The Roost is offering a special holiday offer on 30 May. This has been organised by the Design Club at Newcastle Uni and to take advantage of the offer, all you have to do is go along to a talk hosted by Luke from The Roost in the Design Building Foyer between 12 - 3pm.
No matter your area of expertise, don’t miss out on these opportunities to get your creative juices flowing!
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