The 5 Stickiest Floors in Newcastle

Have you got stuck anywhere in Newcastle? Image courtesy of sinanacar.
Let’s set the scene for you. You’re out in Newcastle on a Saturday night. A beautiful dinner has been eaten at one of Newcastle’s many great restaurants. Over the course of the night there have been a few beers, glasses of wine and maybe even spirits tippled, and you well and truly have a little glow about you. You now decide that it’s a great idea to kick on for the night, but you’re not sure where to go. The priority is another icy beverage and dusting off your finest dance moves or setting up shop at a table for the long haul. Someone suggests heading to a venue that wouldn’t normally be on your go-to list, a hole in the wall, a pulsing dancefloor or a live music venue, but you’re happy to go with the flow…
You arrive at the venue and lose a shoe almost immediately. The floor has taken another prisoner! You reclaim your footwear and look around for the bar… chances are you’ve found yourself in one of these places….
Know another sticky floor? Let us know by commenting below!

In Newcastle, it's Fannys. Or at the very least, it's the first place someone might suggest to head to after a few drinks have been knocked back. If you can avoid having your feet glued down to the nightclubs questionable carpet, spend your evening showing off your best moves at perhaps this city's most famous attraction. I guess it's just one of those places that you have to visit, at least once in your lifetime anyway. Please beware though; groping and sleazing/being sleazed upon (for both men and women) is a pre-requisite when visiting this venue.

The Brewery
As you round the corner from the hard-to-miss, phallic shaped monument and make your way towards Queens Wharf, the smell of beer permeates the air. You've arrived at The Brewery. A Newcastle institution, and a great location for Sunday afternoon drinks out on the wharf. But, head upstairs and you'll be able to experience the glue-like floors of a venue that has seen many a drink spilled mid-krump over the years. So get stuck in and add this to your list.

CBD Hotel
Sometimes a bit of a forgotten venue on the Novocastrian pub scene, CBD is another contender for stickiest floor in Newcastle. Whether it be the floorboards of the front bar or the carpet of the back section of the pub, CBD is a sure bet for getting either your Converse's or Jeffrey Campbell's tacked down to the surface below. There seems to be a common theme emerging here. Drinking and dancing leads to sticky carpet. Who's cleaning these floors?!

King Street Hotel
Thanks to a few pretty stylish renovations over recent years, King St Hotel attracts some big name acts to perform and huge crowds to match. No doubt piled with sweat, spirits and the odd bit of saliva, you can get stuck here on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights. A great spot for a night of drunken debauchery, of course followed by the quintessential visit to McDonald's across the road.

Cambridge Hotel
A haven for live music, dodgy dancing and in-turn, an off-beat clientele, The Cambridge is a must visit spot on your slightly intoxicated stroll around Newcastle. Wednesday night is student night with cheap drinks, free pool and DJ's whilst the weekend offers up live music, often performed by big name acts touring around the country. With upcoming performances from Faker and The Grates, make your way to the West end of town to be magnetised to the abused, sticky floors of The Cambridge.
You fail to mention The Gateway Hotel (G, if you want to get all colloquial). But I guess it’s a bit far to walk there if you’ve had drinks in the CBD. ha ha ha
The Lass…