TEDxNewy Speaker Bernie Curran: “The Beautiful & The Good”
TED is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to ‘ideas worth spreading’ and culminates in 2 annual conferences that feature an array of amazing speakers. In the past, this has included Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Google’s Larry Page & Sergey Brin & Bono. TEDx events capture the enthusiasm, passion and knowledge of the TED philosophy and transport them to communities all over the world, presenting independent events often featuring local presenters & projects.
Newcastle is hosting its first TEDx event this weekend, TEDxNewy. The day will cover topics such as Cities as software: why changing how cities behave is as important as changing what you build in them and Ditch the distractions and move your body, and feature a selection of speakers with a special connection to Newcastle.
Since starting at the University of Newcastle as a student, Bernie Curran has been involved heavily in the University, from holding different academic positions including Foundation Warden of Evatt House, to where he currently acts as the Executive Officer for the Newcastle Foundation.
Urban Insider spoke with Bernie ahead of his presentation at TEDxNewy this Saturday…
You’ve had quite the illustrious career at the University of Newcastle. What is it that has kept you hanging around? What do you like best about the Uni?
I have always enjoyed working with students be it in the classroom, in the sporting arenas and in my favorite role of Head of College when we established Evatt House. My work in the Foundation has also brought me into the company of great and kind people who through their philanthropy have brought much help to our students.
You’ll be drawing on your experience in the Classics to speak about the Greek idea ‘kalos kai agathos’ and it’s relevance to today’s educational values and culture. Can you tell us what ‘kalos kai agathos’ means?
Kalos kai Agathos means “the beautiful and the good”. In the context that I am using it means the development of the body and the mind or in other words a person who demonstrated both physical and mental training.
In your opinion, what needs to change, develop or improve regarding educational culture in Australia?
We need to revisit our goals in terms of equipping our students for the challenges of the future. This means reviewing our curriculum and our divisions of knowledge. Our knowledge structures are too fragmented and fail to give our students a chance to develop their creative as well as their intellectual and physical talents. There is too much to say here so forgive me if I stop there.
What is your favourite quote?
Juvenal-mens sana in corpore sana. Healthy mind in a healthy body.
What is your favourite thing about Newcastle?
The richness of its culture and its traditions - the naturalness of the people and the proximity of ultimate pleasure at Merewether Baths!
What do you think events like TEDxNewy mean for Newcastle?
We have so many people here with great ideas, great vision and great passion. TedxNewy is a much needed vehicle for these voices to get a wider audience.
Tickets to TEDxNewy, being held this Saturday, 12 November at The Playhouse at Civic Theatre, have sold out. You don’t have to miss out on the action however, with overflow seating and a live screening of the talks in City Hall’s Mulubinba Room from 9am till 5.30pm. Alternatively anyone can watch the talks live via webstream at the TEDxNewy website.
Bernie Curran is a wonderful ambassador for Newcastle and the University!