Swap Meets: One man’s trash, car part or vintage finery is another’s…
One man’s trash, car part or antique finery is, as they say, another’s treasure! This is surely the guiding philosophy behind swap meets like the one held out at Morriset Showground last weekend. A swap meet starts for some the day before, they settle in with their tent or caravan and get ready to share their wares and spend their earnings at each other’s stalls. For others, like myself and my scavenging companions, it’s a 6am start and an ATM & coffee stop on the way…
For those who are op shop, vintage & second-hand fans, swap meets may just be your favourite thing… there seems to be something for everyone. The gallery below shows the diversity of shiny trinkets, parts & cars on show…
If you’re keen to check out a meet, you’re in luck - the Hunter Valley swap takes place this weekend! Hosted by the Cessnock & District Agricultural Association Inc, the Cessnock Showground will be a-buzz with activity today and tomorrow. Set your alarm, and don’t forget your $3.00 entry fee.
If you can’t make this one, there’s another Cessnock swap meet on 13 - 14 August 2011 (remember your jumper for this one - chilly!)
So what did you buy?
Hey Uraok, my friends and I raided a Brit’s awesome LP collection, and we also ended up leaving with most of the front panels of a Kingswood!