New to Newcastle’s CBD: Cupcakes, Coffee & Scooters
Proving once more that Newcastle’s CBD is growing & flourishing right before us, in the past 6 months three new businesses have popped up in a precinct known mostly for corporate offices and the medical and law professions.
Within a stone’s throw of each other near the corner of King & Bolton Streets, Cupcake Espresso, Good Brother Espresso Shop, Greg & Audrey’s Garage have set up shop.
Cupcake Espresso: Manhattan inspired cupcake boutique
After spotting a gap in Newcastle’s cupcake market, Adriana Daley has enlisted the help of her partner Nathan & mother-in-law Lyn to create Cupcake Espresso. “A combined love of baking, plus various research trips to Melbourne and Sydney convinced us it was a good idea”, said Adriana. They were also inspired by the iconic Magnolia Bakery in New York.
In addition to cupcakes and macarons, the espresso bar will provide quick lunches for the nearby CBD office workers. “We looked at various locations and felt there was an opportunity in this area”, she explained.
Sixteen flavours of cupcakes will be on offer including Coconut and Pineapple, Turkish Delight, Peanut Butter and Chocolate and of course the signature Espresso flavoured cupcake.
“With the macarons, we’ll start with 12 flavours including Berries and Cream, Lemon, Choc Hazelnut and Blackforest. We designed some beautiful packaging for gift giving and of course you can just spoil yourself with one”, said Adriana.
Cupcake Espresso will open their doors the beginning of July. Keep up with news about these tasty treats by checking out the blog & Facebook page.
Good Brothers Espresso Shop: New Cafe by Suspension Owners
Chris Johnston & Steph Whitehead are best known for Suspension on Beaumont St, Islington, and are expanding to this precinct with a second cafe: Good Brothers Espresso Shop. Despite opening just 8 weeks ago, the cafe is already bringing new people to the area. “This location has high appeal for us … it’s not too trendy, it’s close to the beach and supported by both residential and commercial neighbours. It really feels like it’s going to take off”, explained Chris. “We fell in love with the building too – it’s a great size, intimate enough to create an ambience inside and the large bay window onto the street is a perfect place to sit with a coffee”. The space features lots of recycled materials and furniture giving it a very warm, eclectic feel.
Steph’s mum Bev Whitehead is the food brain of the outfit, shopping at the Farmer’s Market each week for fresh, seasonal produce. “We’ve deliberately kept the menu simple, seasonal and honest and it changes daily, depending on what Bev comes up with. We don’t know what’s on the menu until she arrives!”, said Steph.
Greg & Audrey’s Garage: Stylish City Scooters
For me, as owner and creator of Greg & Audrey’s Garage, it was almost love at first sight with the space. I’d been researching and keeping my eyes open for locations for about 6 months when I noticed the empty space on the corner. Lots of window space, natural light and a corner location with reasonable rent proved irresistible. I watched the space at different times of the day and night, took note of the foot traffic around, investigated what the neighbours were up to in terms of business and armed with that information, felt confident to dive in.
The concept behind Greg & Audrey’s Garage is simply to take scooters out of motorcycle dealerships and place them a retail environment for people to discover them. I’m a frustrated Francophile and love the idea of scooting around, whether it’s to work, the beach, the markets or the gym. They’re not just a mode of transport, they’re a lifestyle accessory and they’re fun, very affordable, kind to the environment and free to park in around the city.
The response has been very positive. I get customers calling in on their scooter to say hi and tell me how much fun they’re having’ she said. You can follow us on Facebook or visit our website.
The owners of all 3 of these businesses feel that the city, and in particular the Mall, can only improve. “It feels good to be a part of the revitalisation of Newcastle city”, said Chris.
Currently all 3 operators are open Monday – Friday with plans to extend to Saturday trading soon.
Thanks for keeping us updated with the exciting developments in and around Bolton St - can’t wait to start sampling all of the cupcakes at Cupcake Expresso! All on my way to Greg and Audrey’s of course 🙂
I give Good Brothers Espresso two thumbs up. I popped in the other day for coffee and ended up spending a good two hours there. The atmosphere is great and the design is both sophisticated & shabby chic. Don’t get me wrong - I’m all for milk crates on the footpath but this is a much more versatile cafe that should win over all types. I’ll be back!
Check out the Cupcake Espresso website