More Opportunities for Newcastle’s Creative Types
Here are a couple of opportunities for Newcastle’s creative community to let their work shine - from local fashion, music, festivals, photography, arts & writing through to international creative pursuits!
Fashion Designer Applications for Newcastle Fashion Week Now Open!
Budding fashion designers, here’s your chance to be involved with Newcastle’s Fashion Week! Don’t miss out on this chance to showcase your skills and creativity. Please email for more information. Anyone interested in volunteering at Newcastle Fashion Week should also keep an eye on their Facebook page to see when applications open.
1 Week Left to Enter National Photography Comp
myregion is a national photographic competition run by Australian Government’s Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development & Local Government and asks photographers to share images & stories about their region. You can capture people, places, wildlife, landscapes and nature to tell your story & have the chance to win an array of prizes from a half-day workshop with photographer Steve Parish to magazine subscriptions & photography software.
There’s only a week left to enter, so make sure you get on to the website and check it out!
Realise Your Dream! Entries From All Creatives Welcome!
The British Council’s Realise Your Dream project is open once again! This amazing initiative has been around for 9 years and is recognised as one of Australia’s leading creative industry awards. If you’re dream is realised, you’ll get a prize focused on career development in the UK creative industries. It’s an opportunity to make lasting international connections and work with the UK’s finest creative practitioners.
The program is open to all permanent Australian residents over the age of 18 and is targeted towards those in the emerging years of professional creative practice. If you show innovation & leadership in a creative field (which can include advertising, animation, architecture, broadcasting, communications, craft, design, digital media, fashion, film, literature, music & any other industry where creativity plays an important role), have a clear vision and understanding of how traveling to the UK could contribute to meeting your goals, then this is one for you.
For more information and to apply, check out their website.
‘Newcastle & Beyond’ Part 2 on Next Week
We previously mentioned Renew Newcastle’s 3-part series called ‘Newcastle & Beyond’ & want to make sure that you make it along to the second event on 22 June, which focuses on taking your creative enterprise to the online world.
Similarly to the first evening, which was hosted by the designers from High Tea With Mrs Woo, the second serve will be FREE of charge & include a presentation, discussion and networking opportunities. The speaker this time will be Zac Zavos of Conversant Media. You just need to RSVP and then get yourself along to Renew Newcastle HQ (3 Morgan St, Newcastle) for the 5:30pm start.
Rainbow Festival Volunteer Call
This annual celebration of all things gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & queer will take place between 23 October & 5 November 2011. The Festival kicks off with a picnic in Gregson Park and wraps up with a Ball. If you’d like to be involved, organisers are seeking those with ideas and who’d like to lend a helping hand organising & promoting events, exhibitions, performances or performers. They’re also calling for any events that you may already be involved in that could be linked to the festival.
If you’re keen, phone Lisa Ronneberg on 4927 6808 or email her.
Regional Arts Funding Applications Now Open
Applications for grants from the Australian Government’ Regional Arts Fund, which supports arts and cultural activities in regional NSW are now open. Successful applicants present new initiatives, partnerships, residencies & mentorships that are sustainable & have long term cultural, economic and social benefits, contribute to cultural networks and provide opportunities for skill development. For more information & to apply, see their website.
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