Justine Aubin
Justine is a 4th year business/commerce student at the University of Newcastle. She has interests in fashion & media as well as a passion for travelling. She has lived in three different continents including a 6 months study program in the south of France. She is fluent in French & English and is addicted to coffee.
My daughter has a wardrobe full of smart business type clothing in size 8. After the birth of her daughter these clothes no longer fit. Could you please tell me where I could find a buyer for these clothes. Their quality is too good to be given to charity.
I am available at any time to show you these clothes which are at present in my possession. I live at Honeysuckle Drive and my phone number is 49253060.
Thanking you,
Margaret McMahon
Hi Margaret, I would suggest getting in contact with ‘What Goes Around’ to see if they can help you out or put you touch with someone who can. Or you could hire a stall at the Adamstown markets on a Sunday and sell the clothes there.
Hope this helps!