Hunter Record Fair Has A New Home
Exciting news here today! The annual Hunter Record Fair has released it’s next 2014 date and now has a new home: The Mayfield Bowling club.
The Mayfield Bowling Club is located behind Mayfield skate park, and next to Mayfield Pool. It’s a great location with lots of parking.
Stallholders from around the country will be offering a massive range of both new and second-hand vinyl records and CDs will be on offer. Don’t miss out on bargains, collectables, rarities, LPs, 45s and more.
Thousands of records across all genres of music will be available, including: country, rock, soul, metal, punk, pop, hip-hop, jazz, blues, reggae, rockabilly, folk, r&b, ska, alternative, house, hardcore punk, electro, indie, new wave, noise + more.
Don’t forget to Like their Facebook page to keep up-to-date: facebook.com/hunterrecordfair
When: Saturday 27 September
Location: Mayfield Bowling Club
Time: 9am-4pm
Entry: $3
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