Embrace the artist within: Newcastle Casual & Short Course Drawing Classes
Did you doodle in the margins of your notes at school? What about now when you are on the telephone? There is something automatic that happens when a pencil is placed between your fingers. Sure your chicken scratch may not be a masterpiece, yet you may find this habit enjoyable. I speak to so many people that remark, “I would love to do a drawing class”. Some showed a bit of talent in art in school, others pursued it but had to give it up to make way for jobs, and families. Many admit to being apprehensive but say, “It is something I have always wanted to try”. I am in a fortunate position with my job to see budding artists straight out of school, and even more rewarding, those that have come back to it in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Of course, these are committed individuals who have the time to complete certificates and diplomas in Fine Art.
However, after so many people have indicated a casual interest in drawing, I have started looking at the options available here in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. This is where I get to boast about my hometown and tell you that Newcastle has more artists per capita than anywhere else in Australia. I put this down to a few factors. First, is our proximity to Sydney. We have access to a substantial market but can enjoy the more affordable cost of living here in the Hunter. Second, we have top quality art schools through the University of Newcastle, The Newcastle Art School (TAFE) Hunter Institute and more casual providers in the WEA, The Newcastle Community Arts Centre, The Arts Emporium, and a number of other providers as well as casual classes conducted by practicing artists. Good ol’ fashioned pencil and paper. Go on, have a go. You know you have always wanted to!
A small selection of short courses and drawing classes in Newcastle & the Hunter region:
1. TAFE Faculty Arts & Media Short Courses 2011
Drawing Skills & Techniques (23484)
Suitable for beginners through to advanced student, this course offers a structured introduction to drawing. Learn how to observe and record the what you see using pencil, charcoal and ink. Most drawing is still life and interior subjects.
Where: Newcastle Art School Hunter St Campus, Newcastle West
When: 17 March - 2 June, Thursdays 6 - 9pm (TAFE break 11 - 26 April)
For more information, call 4929 0345.
Fashion Drawing Workshop (27607)
A hands-on workshop offers the opportunity to learn to draw a fashion figure, sketch & design a variety of garments, use colour & experiment with illustration techniques and layout and presentation skills.
Where: Newcastle Campus (Tighes Hill) Block DD2.9
When: Monday 11 April, 9 - 3:30pm
Call 4923 7634 for more information.
Enrollment for these courses can be completed on the Hunter TAFE Institute website. Search for your course using the number in the title and then follow the prompts. You can call 4929 0345 for more information.
2. WEA Hunter
Life Drawing - A Brief Discovery
A series of 5 life drawing classes for the absolute novice through to those with prior experience. An enjoyable and illuminating course, it aims to teach you to “see”, rather than just “look”. There is a life model each week. Participants must be 18+ years as nude models will be used for portraiture. List of requirements given upon enrolment.
Where: WEA Hunter, 100 Laman St Cooks Hill
When: Monday 2/5/2011 - 30/5/2011, Mondays 6 - 8:30pm
Mystery & Magic of Drawing
This class takes the mystery out of an artist using a few simple lines or brushstrokes to create a wonderful life-like image. No previous experience is required - you can create your own magic! Materials discussed at first session.
Where: WEA Hunter, 100 Laman St Cooks Hill
When: 2/5/11 - 6/6/11, Mondays 6:30 - 8:30pm
3. Newcastle Community Art Centre
Life Drawing Class
With experienced teacher, Peter Lankas.
Where: Newcastle Community Art Centre, Studio 11
When: Thursdays, 7 - 9:30pm
Call Peter on 0422 954 662 for more information.
General Painting & Drawing
For beginners - intermediate, this relaxed and social class is run by Susan Porteous.
Where: Newcastle Community Art Centre, Studio 11
When: Wednesdays (excl. school holidays), 9:30am - 1:30pm.
For more information call (02) 4961 1696 or email.
4. Newcastle Region Art Gallery
ARTCART is the Gallery’s most popular kids’ program! A weekly workshop, children get the chance to do hand on activities working with an art tutor and gallery volunteers. Kids get creative and make their own works of art related to the Gallery’s current exhibition. Parents encouraged to get involved!
Where: Newcastle Region Art Gallery, Laman St, Cooks Hill
When: Saturdays & Sundays, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Free entry!
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