Dominated by retail, the suburb of Kotara is a frequent visit for many a Novocastrian. Being such a well-known area, it was a challenge attempting to find new angles to shoot from. I tried to capture some of the movement and activity that defines it. Each week “The Grid” features photos of a selected area of the Newcastle & Hunter region, capturing moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Stories From The Grid

Photographing Kotara

Photographing Hamilton Food, Wine & Music Festival
Beaumont St, Hamilton is a well known hub for food & music in Newcastle. On Sunday the 18th though, things kicked into overdrive as it played host to the annual Hamilton Food, Wine & Music Festival. Each week “The Grid” features photos of a selected area of the Newcastle & Hunter region, capturing moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Photographing Wickham
A curious mix of industrial and residential, the suburb of Wickham certainly has a distinct personality. Each week “The Grid” features photos of a selected area of the Newcastle & Hunter region, capturing moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.