A Dawn To Dusk Guide To Anzac Day
Commemorate our fallen and active heroes at the ANZAC Day Dawn Service. Starting at 5am, The Dawn Service at Nobby’s Beach will include a band, choir, bugler and bagpiper. The service will conclude at approximately 6am with a four-gun Salute to the fallen by the guns at Fort Scratchley.
As is tradition, there will be a controlled blackout of the site prior to dawn. Attendees are advised to bring a torch, warm clothing and wet weather protection as required.
Parking: subject to dry weather Shortland Lawn on The Foreshore will be made available under controlled conditions for public car parking. The initiative is aimed at improving public access and safety. Vehicle entry to Shortland Lawn will be off Whart Road for traffic travelling in a westerly direction only. Please note that all vehicles must be removed from shortland Lawn by 7:30am
It is also to be noted that free travel is provided to NSW Serving and ex-serving members of the ADF and their families by CityRail, Sydney Ferries and Sydney metropolitan and outer metropolitan bus operators, to attend ANZAC Day services. Serving members to be in uniform, and ex-serving personnel must display their medals, or carry official documentation from their local RSL Branch to obtain free travel.
Free travel will also be automatically available for war widows / widowers who carry a war widows’ / widowers’ Gold Card, or a formal letter issued by the RSL to confirm their status, or travel with an eligible relative. When making their booking, veterans using ‘Countrylink’ services, will be required to have their status confirmed by their local sub-branch on a letter bearing the sub-branch letterhead.
Anzac Day March, Hunter Street Mall to Civic Park
Marchers will form up in the Hunter Street Mall and side streets between Perkins & Newcomen Streets Newcastle. The March will step-off at 9:15am and proceed west along Hunter Street, turn left into Darby Street, right into King Street and finish in Civic Park.
Road closures will be in place along the route to ensure the safe passage of the parade.
Vehicle access to and from properties along the march route will not be permitted during the road closures. Residents or businesses are advised to move their vehicles before the closures take effect.
United Commemoration Service @ Civic Park
The Newcastle Anzac Day United Commemoration Service will be held at the cenotaph in Civic Park commencing at 10am. The wet weather venue for this Service is the concert hall in City Hall.
Newcastle Museum
Newcastle Museum will honour the lives of the men and women lost in war by once again creating a field of crosses and poppies for ANZAC Day. We will build on our collection of over 750 crosses marked with the names of service men and women by inviting the community to send in the names of their loved ones to add to the Field of Remembrance.
You can add the name of a loved one to a cross by sending an email to swillcox@ncc.nsw.gov.au with the following information (* marks the mandatory information):
* Service man/woman name:
* Dates/Conflict:
Serial Number:
You can also send a photograph if you wish.
Newcastle Museum has a display of war memorabilia in its exhibition Newcastle on the World Stage. Visitors are encouraged to write the names of people they wish to remember on sticky notes and leave them on our wall of remembrance. These names are collected throughout the year and will be displayed on the Museum Poster Pole on ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day @ Wine Country Race Club ( Cessnock )
ANZAC day is probably Australia’s most important national occasion. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. Although the Gallipoli campaign failed in it’s military objectives, the Australian and New Zealand actions during the campaign left us all a powerful legacy. The creation of what became known as the “ANZAC legend” became an important paprt of the identity of both nations, shaping the ways they viewed both their past and their future.
The NJC would like to invite all members to visit the Wine Country Race Club on 25 April in support of this very special occasion as we remember past and present members of the Royal Australian Defence Force that have taken enormous risks, some the ultimate risk, to provide us with a spirit that lives on in our way of life everyday.
As well as a full card of Thoroughbred racing, we will be hosting traditional Two-up. All proceeds from the Two-up will be donated to legacy.
Gates open at 12:00PM. Bring a picnic and make a day of it
The gambling game of two-up is a true blue Aussie tradition. Brought over to Australia as ‘pitch and toss’ by the English and Irish, it was rife through the gold rush days and equally popular with soliders during World War I. As a result it’s become synonymous with April 25, during which pubs across Newcastle will host games. We have narrowed down our top picks of where you can test your luck this Anzac Day
Cricketers Arms
61 Bruce Street,
Cooks Hill, 2300
Phone: (02) 4929 3041
Visit The Cricketers Arms
The Burwood Inn
77 Berner Street
Merewether, 2291
Phone: (02) 4963 5000
Visit The Burwood Inn
Souths Leagues Club
46 Llewelyn Street
Merewether, 2291
Phone: (02) 4902 7600
Visit Souths
The Nags Head Hotel
272 Brunker Road
Adamstown, 2289
Phone: (02) 4952 5743
Visit The Nags
The Newcastle RSL Club
175 Scott Street
Newcastle, 2300
Phone: (02) 4929 3473
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